The first three years of a child, as what many named as “the window of opportunity”, is the most critical time to shape a child’s brain architecture. It is also the “golden” years when a child is most receptive to learning. The foundation laid in their early years is fundamentally important as it will truly shapes a child’s happiness, growth, development and learning achievements in future.
Let me begin with a short intro of my background. Hi, my name is Adeline and I’m a “just-married” woman with a passionate interest in children. I used to work as a Shichida trainer, currently a teacher in an educational centre, and also a speaker for workshops and seminars in the education field. At the same time, I’m also a private trainer guiding parents on early-learning and home practice for their child.
This blog is created to share information, ideas and simple home-made materials to parents learning to start their child’s early learning route.
Let us start to brainstorm....what can you input to your 0-3 years old child?